Wednesday, April 24, 2013



If you stumbled on this blog, you might read the first post and go, "my, that was a while ago." You may also see it involves MySpace, DeviantART, and Xanga, which dates me quite a bit. 

I was going to blog on the regular, but life intervened, because life is good at that. Fast forward to 2013, however, and a decent idea never dies. So, I'm going to try again. There will be three blog posts coming up this week, at the very least. 

Things that have changed from the last post: I am now 25. I graduated from NYU in 2010, with a degree in English Literature and Creative Writing. Somewhere in there, I decided that teaching was not my ideal, and I started my Masters in Library Sciences at Queens College, specifically to become an archivist. I now have approximately 9 credits left before I finish that degree (if you are interested in more librarian/archival things, I keep a second blog [in theory; I have yet to properly start it] here). I still write, but mainly essays these days rather than the poetry I started out with. I also perform as a storyteller. I am no longer seeing the "M" of the first post, I am single at the moment, and I hesitate to identify as polyamorous these days, although I feel all relationship models are valid.

Things that are the same: I still read those authors, still listen to those bands, and still journal. And I still want to write about things for people in a more formal approach.

This blog does not have a specific point, to be honest, aside from talking about things that interest me at the moment. It will draw from culture, literature, news items, feminism, queerness, mental health issues, and my own narcissism in believing that my life will interest you.

And now, to begin. For real. No, really. 

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