Saturday, January 4, 2014

New Year's Resolutions. Or Goals. Whatever.

I know that it's probably more proper to write this January 1st, but whatever.

I'm not a resolution person most of the time. I'm generally not into taking an arbitrary date to get better at things, and prefer to start immediately. However, there are a bunch of things I want to accomplish specifically this year, so the very beginning of it seems like the best place to start.

Here are my tangible resolutions:

1) Save up money/get better with my finances.
2) Learn to drive a car.
3) Get a proper job that's full time, with benefits, in my field.
4) Get a car.
5) Get my own place. Bonus points if it is my own apartment, but honestly, I will rent a room if it means getting out of my parents' house.
6) Publish my capstone research in a journal.
7) Get into shape, and find a place where I can take up kickboxing.
8) Find a nice LARP to join once I find a job, drive a car, and settle into my own place. 
9) Work on something approximating musical training. I am probably starting vocal lessons soon. I might also consider learning piano properly. 
10) Depending on job situation, finances, and state of physical fitness, go to the Kinetik Festival this year and/or hike the Presidential Range in New Hampshire. 
11) Finally develop my solo show.
12) Write. I want to work on some personal essays, and there's some more research style things I want to work on.

Here are my not-so-tangible resolutions:

1) Be a better friend/interact better with people. For example, I will learn to text people when I want to talk to them, instead of hoping they'll text me. Also, actually make plans with people. 
2) Manage my anxiety and depressive episodes better.
3) More decisively express my wants and needs, and do what is best for me, rather than basing it around possibly offending others.

Right. I can do this all in a year, no?